Category Archives: Email Marketing

Contact Email Marketing

When you own a business, whether online or off, you know the importance of not only staying in touch with your existing customers but constantly trying find new ones.  There is so much automation available online today that it can make this process much easier.  One of the best tools you can use is a service that will enable you to use contact email marketing. Having a website can be an extremely beneficial to an offline business […]

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Email Affiliate Marketing

If you are a new affiliate marketer you have probably already realized that in order to make money you will have to not only drive as much traffic as possible to your website but also to capture your visitors contact information so that you can build a relationship with them.  This is where email affiliate marketing comes  in. It might be depressing but it’s true, upwards of 98% of the visitors you drive to your website aren’t […]

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Email Campaign Manager

When it comes to finding a good  email campaign manager you can either hire an outside firm to oversee your email marketing efforts, or get someone from your company.  The option you choose will depend on your budget, your needs, and the desired results…. but mostly your budget. Which ever method you choose when it comes to having someone manage your campaign, the steps needed to establish an effective campaign will be the same. Here is a […]

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Email Promotion in Internet Marketing

When it comes to building a profitable online business you actually have many inexpensive, yet effective, methods available to you.  One of the best methods to use is  email promotion internet marketing. Using an opt-in email list to build trust and rapport with your website visitors can pay you dividends for years to come. Building an opt-in email list is simply a way to get your visitors to grant you permission to send them emails thus eliminating […]

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Local Email Marketing

You will often hear people singing the praises of the internet when it comes to marketing a business.  They will talk about the power to reach millions of people from all over the world by using email marketing. With the simple push of a mouse button they can have instant, and free, contact with thousands or millions of potential customers.   While this is a great aspect of using the internet for your business building, what happens […]

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Opt-in Emails will save your butt!

One of the many advantages to using the internet to grow your business is the high level of automation available.  No where is this automation more evident than with the use of emails to contact a large list of customers.  In order to keep the email process clear of any accusations of spam you will need to use opt in emails. When someone agrees to receive emails from you they are ‘opting in’ to your list or […]

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Mass email marketing the right way

Using the internet as a way to help you build your business, whether it’s an online or offline business, is an extremely cost effective technique. When it comes to mass email marketing you can literally reach hundreds of thousands of potential customers all with the click of a button and with very little overhead (just the price of your internet connection and website hosting costs). The low cost of this type of advertisement had a downside, companies […]

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What Is Opt-In Email Marketing

Have you ever wondered what “opt-in email marketing” is and how it compares to bulk e-mail marketing? Being a ‘newbie’ to Internet marketing, and likely having limited funds, can leave entrepreneurs feeling lost in terms of marketing and they end up turning to extreme cost saving options like free classifieds and newsgroup sites.  Most marketing experts will tell you that these efforts are not only time consuming, they afford very few results. Internet marketing experts have compiled […]

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Blasting out Emails

One of the most important things you can do to improve the success of your online marketing efforts is to take the time to build an opt in email list. When customers come to your website you can encourage them to sign up to your email list by offering them an incentive. Once they’ve signed up to your list you can communicate with them as often as you want.  You have two options when it comes to […]

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